Friday, March 17, 2006

請為我找summer interm job祈禱LA!! ^.^

今天(17/3),原來係我個系apply summer intership 的deadline wor!! 每個同學都要apply!昨晚已經改好自己的resume. 希望今天找到同apply到份合適自己的summer job la. 有好多都可能要番大陸wor.. 希望唔好揀中la!! 自己成績一般..亦諗希望好的工唔好俾d成績GPA過3的同學先揀灑LA >..< HAHA...次要真係interview電腦的工, 自問無咩怕的我今次都難免有d緊張ar!! ^.^

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


I have made a feed for this blog and it is " If you also read other blog from Blogger, Live Journal, WordPress (the one I am using), etc. Probably there is a feed for you to subscribe. You can use any RSS reader to read it.

Here is the steps how you can subscribe BJM blog through Google Reader.

1. You must have a Google Account, if you don't have, you can ask me to send an invitation to you.
2. Log in Google Reader.
3. Click "Edit subscriptions" in the navigation menu.
4. Click "Add a feed" and copy the this link, and then click "preview".
5. Then click "subscribe" to finish.
6. Now you can login to Google Reader to read the post from BJM.

Google Reader will help you to get the posts from the blog. You just login to Google Reader can read the latest post from BJM~

New Interface of the photo album

Hi, everyone!
How's your life going? Busy? I have made a new photo album for BJM. But it is just at an early stage, so there are not much photos. But this album have comment function, i.e. you can say anything for particular photos!!!!

Please go to check it out, link is here.

PS. You can find an album of my little cousin XDD. And this is because of the limited service of my web host. I will change the web host in following months. After changing the web host, there will be an album solely for BJM!!

Thursday, March 02, 2006




Wednesday, March 01, 2006


肥基, lamlai 同我都會去, 有時間一齊o黎喇~